PSW brings together leaders from various sectors, including heads of state, policy makers, industry leaders, investors, entrepreneurs, and youth, to discuss innovative solutions climate action. PSW provides a platform for stakeholders to share their experiences, showcase their sustainability initiatives, projects, learn from one another and collaborate on initiatives that promote sustainable development. The itinerary is filled with a series of conferences, workshops, and exhibitions, highlighting the latest trends in sustainable development and climate change mitigation. One of the key objectives of Pakistan Sustainability Week is to raise awareness about the importance of sustainability and encourage attendees to take bold actions towards a sustainable future. Participants engage in lively discussions, sharing their own expertise, and exploring innovative approaches to sustainability as a team. The involvement of youth in the event is particularly crucial, students from local universities will be invited to showcase their ideas and creations, as they are the future leaders who will inherit the planet leading us into the new age of renewable technology. Our goal is to connect people from all walks of life and educate them about the importance of renewable energy
Event Calender

PAEA - Pakistan Alternative Energy Association
PAEA Office No.21, 3rd Floor, Al-Anayat Mall, G-11 Markaz, Islamabad. Pakistan